Sunday, April 3, 2011

Closing Jails In Owen Sound and Walkerton

Like it was yesterday! I remember Dalton McGuinty saying on the night he was first elected that he was going to treat the public service with respect; the respect it had so lacked under the Mike Harris regime of "scorched earth". Here we are years later and McGuinty has heaped out a lot of respect. Not much of it towards the public service and the thousands of employees that provide the services that many of us need everyday, but respect nonetheless.

McGuinty has respected corporations through billions of dollars in tax cuts that don't create jobs. He has respected Samsung and sold off jobs for Canadians in the energy sector. He has respected unfair trade deals that provide a "no" manufacturing jobs strategy for Ontario. He has respected the lack of democracy in legislation that prevents people from fighting against the location of wind farms. He has respected replacement in that he stood up against anti-replacement worker (scabs) legislation. He has respected legislation that may remove from workers the very ability to receive instruction in matters of health and safety from workers and amongst the many dollops of respect he has handed out he has now handed out respect for short term financial gain and decided to pound rural Ontario again by closing down jails in Walkerton and Owen Sound.

Although Tim Hudak should scare us all, McGuinty's future for Ontario is seemingly no less bleak in some respects. Tell McGuinty to live up to a couple of his promises and that one of them needs to be respect for the public service and hopefully that will translate into hope for rural Ontario. McGuinty needs to be told that his choices are just wrong and if we can't reach him through fighting back right now, lets tell him and the scary alternative (Hudak) that we don't trust either of them and in October lets get Ontario to a place where perhaps the progressive alternatives in the legislature will have the balance of power.

In Solidarity

Dave Trumble


Grey-Bruce Labour Council